
Export Hub funding announcement to support METS international market access

The mining equipment, technology and services sector has been recognised for its critical contribution to the Australian economy with the announcement of the $1.025 million expansion of the SME METS Export Hub Initiative into Victoria and Western Australia.

METS Ignited has welcomed the announcement from Minister for Industry, Science and Technology Karen Andrews and Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment Simon Birmingham, detailing a commitment of $4.9 million to the SME Export Hubs Initiative, in five states across Australia and in alignment with the Industry Growth Centres priority sectors.

This is a boost for Western Australian METS where the Digital Mining Export Hub aims to build a digital mining capability network, and in Victoria the Export Hub will focus on METS capability acceleration, with both programs linking SMEs to international growth opportunities.

METS Ignited CEO Adrian Beer congratulates the appointment of Austmine as the grant recipient and international export facilitators and says the expansion of the SME Export Hubs Initiative is great news for METS exporters across the country, providing growth and capability development opportunities and increased international market access.

“METS Ignited is very supportive of the SME Export Hub funding announcement which highlights the importance of the METS sector to the national economy.  The expansion of the program to include Austmine to lead the Export Hubs for Western Australia and Victoria will not only provide growth and capability development opportunities for METS exporters but also an opportunity to enhance Australian METS’ reputation internationally.  We look forward to seeing the growth outcomes for the sector,” said Mr Beer.

The Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) Export Hubs Initiative is supported by Industry Growth Centres to advance the establishment of local and regional hubs to assist Australian businesses take their products and services to the global market.

Read the full press release here.